

a Groovy GUI Calculator...

a whole term studying Groovy..and i am finally ready. I finished my term project a few weeks back, am planning to upload it, but waiting for the results before I do. However this calculator has a simple GUI, basic functions, just to refresh my Groovy, esp the gui part. Plus I will be using it in my second term while programming Java..(and i wanted a more efficient code.. but then i cudnt be bothered..)

import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import java.awt.GridLayout import java.awt.BorderLayout import javax.swing.JOptionPane

def GUI = new CalcGUI()

public class CalcGUI { def swing = new SwingBuilder()

def operatorCheck = "" def temp1 = "" def type1 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '1' } def type2 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '2' } def type3 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '3' } def type4 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '4' } def type5 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '5' } def type6 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '6' } def type7 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '7' } def type8 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '8' } def type9 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '9' } def type0 = { swing.updateValue.text = swing.updateValue.text + '0' } def typeClr = { swing.updateValue.text = '' } def optPlus = { temp1 = swing.updateValue.text;operatorCheck = '+'; typeClr();} def optSub = {temp1 = swing.updateValue.text;operatorCheck = '-'; typeClr();} def optMul = {temp1 = swing.updateValue.text;operatorCheck = '\*'; typeClr();} def optDiv = {temp1 = swing.updateValue.text;operatorCheck = '/'; typeClr();} def calculate = { def temp2 = swing.updateValue.text; temp1 = temp1.toInteger() temp2 = temp2.toInteger() if(operatorCheck == "") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, 'Operator Error!')} if(operatorCheck == '+') { swing.updateValue.text = temp1 + temp2;operatorCheck=""} if(operatorCheck == '-') { swing.updateValue.text = temp1 - temp2;operatorCheck=""} if(operatorCheck == '\*') { swing.updateValue.text = temp1 \* temp2;operatorCheck=""} if(operatorCheck == '/') { swing.updateValue.text = temp1 / temp2;operatorCheck=""} temp2 = "" } def frameButtons = { swing.panel(layout :new BorderLayout(), constraints : BorderLayout.NORTH) { textField(id : 'updateValue', columns : 20) } swing.panel(layout :new GridLayout(4, 4, 1, 1), constraints : BorderLayout.CENTER) { button(text : '1', actionPerformed : type1) button(text : '2', actionPerformed : type2) button(text : '3', actionPerformed : type3) button(text : '+', actionPerformed : optPlus) button(text : '4', actionPerformed : type4) button(text : '5', actionPerformed : type5) button(text : '6', actionPerformed : type6) button(text : '-', actionPerformed : optSub) button(text : '7', actionPerformed : type7) button(text : '8', actionPerformed : type8) button(text : '9', actionPerformed : type9) button(text : '\*', actionPerformed : optMul) button(text : 'Clr', actionPerformed : typeClr) button(text : '0', actionPerformed : type0) button(text : '=', actionPerformed : calculate) button(text : '/', actionPerformed : optDiv) } } def frameMenu = { swing.menuBar() { menu(text: "File", mnemonic: 'F') { menuItem(text: "Exit", mnemonic: 'X', actionPerformed: {System.exit(0)}) }

} }

// creating frame and dialog of remaining objects def frame = swing.frame(title: 'Caculator 1.0', size: \[300, 400\], show: true, locationRelativeTo: null) { frameMenu() frameButtons() } }